“Maria José Arjona Interviewed by Cecilia Fajardo-Hill”
Bomb Magazine, April 21, 2018
Michael Rakovitz 2018 Herb Alpert Award in the Arts Interview
“You Can’t Say It Doesn’t Exist”
A Curator on the Art of Latin American Women from 1960 to ’85. Interview by Elisa Wouk Almino, Hyperallergic, December 5, 2017
‘Cecilia Fajardo-Hill: Los Libros de historia necesitan ser reescritos para incorporar al arte contemporáneo Latinoamericano’
Interview by Diego Parra, Santiago de Chile: Artishock: Revista de Arte Contemporáneo, digital publication, March 2014.
“Miguel López in Conversation with Cecilia Fajardo-Hill”
Arte al Día Internacional 143. Miami: July 2013.