April 13–July 22, 2018

Exhibition entryway sign.

Installation view at Brooklyn Museum, New York

Radical Women: Latin American Art, 1960–1985.

April 13–July 22, 2018.

Photo: Jonathan Dorado

“Feminisms” gallery.

In vitrine, from left to right: Tecla Tofano, Sra. Mascara de Cutis (Mrs. Skin Mask), 1977, En via de liberación (On the way to liberation),

1975, and Medio de reproducción visual (Visual reproduction medium),

1973. Installation view at Brooklyn Museum, New York

Radical Women: Latin American Art, 1960–1985.

April 13–July 22, 2018.

Photo: Jonathan Dorado

“Social Places” gallery.

Right foreground: Barbara Carrasco, Censorship, 1984.

Installation view at Brooklyn Museum, New York

Radical Women: Latin American Art, 1960–1985.

April 13–July 22, 2018.

Photo: Jonathan Dorado

“Self-Portrait” gallery.

Projected on suspended screen: Victoria Santa Cruz, Me gritaron negra (They shouted black at me), 1978. Installation view at Brooklyn Museum, New York

Radical Women: Latin American Art, 1960–1985.

April 13–July 22, 2018.

Photo: Jonathan Dorado

“Self-Portrait” gallery.

Rosa Navarro, Letras ”R”, “O”, “S”, ”A”, from the series sign language, 1981; and María Teresa Cano, Yo servida en la mesa (Me, served as a meal), 1981. Installation view at Brooklyn Museum, New York

Radical Women: Latin American Art, 1960–1985.

April 13–July 22, 2018.

“Resistance and Fear” gallery.

Installation view at Brooklyn Museum, New York

Radical Women: Latin American Art, 1960–1985.

April 13–July 22, 2018.

Photo: Jonathan Dorado

“Mapping the Body” gallery.

Foreground, from left to right: Johanna Hamann, Barrigas (Bellies), 1979–83, Dalila Puzzovio, Escape de gas (Gas Leak), 1963, and Marta Palau, Ilerda V, 1973. Installation view at Brooklyn Museum, New York

Radical Women: Latin American Art, 1960–1985.

April 13–July 22, 2018.

Photo: Jonathan Dorado

“The Erotic” gallery.

Center, on floor: Feliza Bursztyn, Cama (Bed), 1974.

Installation view at Brooklyn Museum, New York

Radical Women: Latin American Art, 1960–1985.

April 13–July 22, 2018.

Photo: Jonathan Dorado

“The Power of Words” gallery.

Installation view at Brooklyn Museum, New York

Radical Women: Latin American Art, 1960–1985.

April 13–July 22, 2018.

Photo: Jonathan Dorado

“Body Landscape” gallery.

Foreground, on floor: Vera Chaves Barcellos, Epidermic Scapes, 1977/1982; projected on suspended screen: Silvia Gruner, Arena (Sand), 1986.

Installation view at Brooklyn Museum, New York

Radical Women: Latin American Art, 1960–1985.

April 13–July 22, 2018.

Photo: Jonathan Dorado

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