November 30, 2005- February 3, 2006
• Curator: Michael Rush
• Participating artists are Marina Abramovic, Chantal Akerman, Kutlug Ataman, Sophie Calle, William Kentridge, Ana Mendieta, Julian Rosefeldt, Melanie Smith, Song Dong, Fiona Tan, Bill Viola, Robert Wilson, and Francesca Woodman.
• Indeterminate States presented works by international major video artists and emerging artists, with work that engaged the human condition in subjective and indeterminate ways, while it moved away from the traditional display of videos.

Exhibition View: Indeterminate States. CIFO, 2005-06
Back left: Francesca Woodman, Selected Video Works 18, 1975-78; left: Chantal Akerman, Fragments of D’Est: au bord de la fiction, 1995.
Photo: Oriol Tarridas
Chantal Akerman, Fragments of D’Est: au bord de la fiction, 1995.
Exhibition View: Indeterminate States. CIFO, 2005-06.
Photo: Oriol Tarridas
Exhibition View: Indeterminate States. CIFO, 2005-06.
Julian Rosefeldt, still from Asylum, 2001-2002.
Photo: Oriol Tarridas